пятница, 9 марта 2012 г.


When people gone crazy? No, really. I guess, I missed that moment. :) I've met sooo many insane people lately that it's freaking me out a lil bit. 

пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.


Sooo, the winter is finally over! But, to tell you the truth, I'll miss it. There are a lot of exciting things that happend to me during this winter. Byebye, winter 2011-2012, take care ;)

I do look retarded here, don't I? haha :D

понедельник, 13 февраля 2012 г.

Approved for hair

Недавно решила попробовать этот шампунь и после первого же применения восхитилась результатом: волосы живые, блестящие, шелковистыыые. Советую тем, кто хочет восстановить волосы после многочисленных окрашиваний :)

пятница, 3 февраля 2012 г.


Enjoy music that I listen to now ;)

CB is sooo guuud in that video ;P

this song stucks in my head. and idk why, but I like that video so much!

среда, 25 января 2012 г.

Blondies vs. Brunettes

The whole week I've been wondering what haircolour is better for me, bcoz I uploaded this pic (above) and everyone was like "oh ,my gooosh, its soooo guuud". But hey, thats just a pic! Of course, sometimes I think of changing my haircolour, bcoz I'm getting tired of it. But let's be honest. I'm forever blonde ;)